Research Resources

‘Research Resources’ consist of the professional outcomes of <Age of Disgust, the Response of Humanities>
Agenda Research and the major related research resources of Korea and abroad.

전복되는 조선인像과 ‘불령선인’ ―나카니시 이노스케(中西伊之助)의 조선 소설에서 찾은 차별과 혐오 해소의 실마리―
  • 저자김여진
  • 발행처한국일본문화학회
  • 발행연도2023
  • 작성언어국문
  • 키워드Images of Koreans, Futei-senjin, Overturned, Inosuke Nakanishi
  • 자료형태논문
  • 수록면日本文化學報 第98輯 223 - 250 (28page)


The year 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the Kantō Massacre. In the time from the March First Independence Movement in 1919 to the Kantō Massacre in 1923, the discourse of Futei-Senjin settled in Japanese society is being summoned again in modern Japan. Now that discrimination and hatred are prevalent, what is the implication of recall of the “Futei-Senjin” when the centenary year of the Kantō Massacre is commemorated? This paper tries to find clues to resolve the discrimination and hatred from Inosuke Nakanishi’s Chosen novels, Sprouting on Red Soil and Futei-Senjin. Noting that Nakanishi intended to examine colonial Chosen as an ethnic issue as well as a class issue in Sprouting on Red Soil, this paper interpreted the act of violence among the colonists through Franz Fanon’s theory of violence. In Futei-Senjin, it is considered that the source of anxiety toward the Korean people lies in the guilt and prejudice that comes from the fact that the Japanese eventually used force to bring another ethnic group to their knees. Nakanishi brought typical discriminatory terms such as “Dojin(used as a disparaging expression for the natives)” and “Futei-Senjin” to the center and presented a new image of Koreans and advocated the discovery and solidarity of humanity by overturning its original concept. The feelings of anxiety and fear from Japanese people toward Koreans arose from their prejudice and ignorance, and these can be resolved through genuine empathy and solidarity.

1. 시작하며
2. ‘토인’으로서의 식민지 조선인像
3. ‘불령선인’의 전복과 인식 변화
4. 끝맺으며

자료 출처: DBPia

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